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If you’re an old hand, we hope our program is of interest. If you’re new to birding tours, you might find our essay “Choosing a Birding Tour” helpful.
If you are from the United Kingdom, we appreciate that you may have some questions about the whole process from contacting the WINGS office, to booking, payment, flights, and joining the tour. Click here for detailed information on these points.
Mongolia: The Eastern Steppes, 19-29 May 2026, with Stephen Menzie -- We offer a unique itinerary to the far east of Mongolia,... (more)
Alaska: The Pribilofs and Utqiagvik (Barrow) in Fall, Sep 30 - Oct 7 2024, with Raymond VanBuskirk -- Alaska’s Pribilof Islands lie in the Bering... (more)
Poland in Spring, 14-21 May 2025, with Stephen Menzie -- Birding in Eastern Poland in late May is magical.... (more)
Colombia: Central, Jun 27 - Jul 7 2025, with Fabrice Schmitt -- Hummingbirds galore plus sparkling tanagers, elusive antpittas and even Mountain-Toucan, all while enjoying a cup of Colombian coffee! (more)
Trinidad and Tobago, 11-21 January 2026, with Ethan Kistler -- Lying just off the coast of Venezuela, the island... (more)
To view our health policies, click here.
Alaska: The Pribilofs & Utqiagvik (Barrow) in Fall with Raymond Vanbuskirk. 30 September-11 October.
Brazil: The Southeast Atlantic Rainforest with Fabrice Schmitt. 19 October-3 November. Two Spaces Remain.
Portugal with Helder Cardoso. 15-28 October.
Indonesia: The Moluccas with Susan Myers. 28 October-18 November.
Panama: Darién Lowlands with Gavin Bieber. 23-30 November. Two Spaces Remain.
Namibia with Sean Braine. 2-15 February. Two Spaces Remain.
WINGS organizes private tours worldwide. Details here.
Horned Puffins are superbly attractive breeders on the birds cliffs of St. Paul Island, Pribilofs, Alaska. You can read about our latest tour to these celebrated outposts here
Photo: Gavin Bieber
We just wrapped up our ever-popular annual southeast Arizona "Second Spring" tour, and by all accounts it was a fantastic... (more)
We can report that the Marvelous Mato Grosso tour was a smashing success this year. A super congenial group made it very... (more)
We're not quite halfway through our trip, and the birding is going great! So far we've visited two of Costa Rica's most... (more)
You can read recent WINGS e-mail and print newletters and subscribe to our newsletter here.
A native of the UK, James Wolstencroft made his first East African safari in 1976 while he was a student at Cambridge; before that, his pursuit of birds had already taken him around Europe, across North America, through Russia, and to Turkey, Iran,... (more)
Recently West Coast birders have used these cruises as a comfortable platform to look for offshore species, including petrels, storm-petrels, and albatrosses. Our Spring cruises are during peak season for Murphy’s, Hawaiian and Cook’s Petrels, and have had success as well with Laysan Albatross. Our Fall cruises have increased chances for... (more)
Coming to southeastern Arizona and want guiding help for just a day or two? Find an excellent guide at AZ-Birding.